A Queen is never late…to the viewing party.

Need some streaming suggestions to soothe you? A blast from the past to bask in?

Off the air? The Queen doesn’t care. Whether it’s old or new, she’s got the reviews that include your mood.



Okay, so I admit I do love a good anthology (see BJ’s Premise at the bottom). With a cast that keeps it compelling, I’m thoroughly enjoying this show with a skewed moral compass that emotionally manipulates its audience by dropping them into truly terrible situations with little to no payoff. Grounded performances add to the intense suspense and subject matter, invoking empathy for some truly heart-wrenching dilemmas. It skims on topical subjects, but wastes the chance to do anything productive.

Mood: Dark and Dreary

Rating: Not a light watch.



I’m biased, I love Scott Caan so I turned it on. Probably my least favorite of the network shows streaming here, but I’ve still tuned in hoping it turns around. It hasn’t.

Mood: Gear up for plot pot holes

Rating: No need to alert you about this show.



It uses silly humor and repeated devices to guilt us into having fun with it. McHale doesn’t quite land in his performance as this character, but we love him anyway. Although it knows what is expected of it to deliver in formula, it’s lacking that extra spark to separate it from others of its kind. I will say to check it out for Vella Lovell, who delivers some spot on moments in her performance and proves to be top gem in the show.

Mood: When you need a break from doing another rewatch Parks & Rec, 30 Rock or Community.

Rating: It has its moments.



Caution: The following program contains an all-too-realistic-possibly-triggering depiction of the restaurant industry. Just when you think Jeremy Allen White can’t get better than Shameless, well, let’s just say he packs a punch of a performance. There’s so much passion brought by the entire cast and even the writing alone. They experience phenomenal individual and collective development, it’s extraordinary to watch.

We’re just happy they are serving us a second course.

Mood: When ya just wanna set-to-simmer watch a damn good show.

Rating: Yes…AND CHEF.



Just when I thought I’ve outgrown Eisenberg, he remerges with the stellar performance I need. I appreciate his constant growth as an actor, bringing a heartfelt dynamic to his character. Another fair warning? I’m not a Claire Danes fan, but I admire her as an actor and she delivers in this role. I’ll watch anything with Lizzy Caplan, and this is at the top of the list. And, Adam Brody…come on. Story-wise? I dug it. It executes dramatic storytelling with power and grace. It’s one of those thought-provoking stories that causes you to step back and reflect. It covers divorce (obv), motherhood, parenthood, psychological fragility, social constructs and the importance of point of view. So, give it a view.

Mood: Can handle double trouble.

Rating: Lean into the cringe-worthy situations.



In this reimagining of the Charles Dickens tale we know so well, the story is re-crafted into an experience distinctly new yet oddly familiar. We are swiftly guided through the narrative from the start, wasting no time for the audience. They skim on some of the work’s loftier concepts, leaving those who have studied the novel slightly irked. Her Havisham, tho. Haunting, tragic and predatory look good on you, Olivia.

Mood: Ready to receive her majesty Olivia Coleman.

Rating: I love Olivia Coleman.



I thoroughly enjoy this show and actually was pretty disappointed when I caught up to the current episode! I appreciate the dynamics of the families, even if the stakes aren’t as realistic as the situations call for. The character development is a fun ride, and the performances are grounded, as well as charming. The comedy is delivered with ease from all six main characters and the writing is delightful while leaving plenty of room to grow the show. It hits on some touchy subjects with normalcy, diving just deep enough while keeping it light and steering clear of the dreaded cringe-inducing preachiness many modern shows are breaching.

Mood: In need of a casual hang-out watch with relatable family dynamics.

Rating: Give it a go, you’ll look forward to it.



Know when a show has all the elements that would normally make you dislike it, and as much as you want to, you just can’t? That’s what this show is for me. Gina is on the brink of over-performing the same schtick of Jane The Virgin, but she reels it in exactly when she needs to, leaving quite an endearing performance.

Mood: Need to perk up on self-improvement.

Rating: Not hateable.


Without a doubt, this is the best shit you’re not watching. If there’s anything that will make me care about something that takes place in OK< it’s this story about 4 teenagers growing up on a reservation. Gritty comedy with great casting and fabulous drop-ins from comedians. Stellar writing and performances. Despite sounding cliche, long overdue.

Mood: “Did you know that I’m part Native American?” Seriously though, any mood so just watch.

Rating: Although I have removed “should” from my personal vocabulary, it’s appropriate to say you should definitely watch this.



I’m not sorry for liking this one, and as it’s gotten a full season order, I see I’m not the only one. Sure, the show is pretty stupid, unbelievable and not remotely close to as good as its parent show with my beloved Fillion, but Nash makes it enjoyable-despite a questionable wardrobe for a FBI agent. Settle down, fellow feminists, I’m not cleave-shamming, I just worry about her character’s comfort while crime-fighting. Her mouth proves to be her best weapon, along with the heart she brings to the character and premise.

Mood: Need to proceed to procedural.

Rating: Nice ‘N Niecy.



Probably what Olivia Pope’s life looked like if she took another route. Sorry, I hate when reviews reference an actor’s previous characters played, but I couldn’t help thinking it and I’m all about honesty here. Speaking of which, I honestly dig this series. I said it and I’ll stand by it. The topics covered are ones we should be discussing, yet they present them in a straightforward honest way, knowing nothing needs to be down your throat. Performances are fun and at times pull at the heartstrings. I don’t even mind the social media aspect, which is showcased as a reality of the times rather than a ploy (looking at you, Emily in Paris). Kerry is delightful as always, and her performance isn’t a stale repeat of characters past.

Mood: Why the fuck not?

Rating: Give it a whirl.



I’m laughing too hard to think of what to write. I mean, they have an ENERGY vampire. Season 4 Episode 8 has one of the most epic deliveries from Matt Berry I’ve ever witnessed. I’m sure you’ve heard enough about this show from your friends with impeccable taste, so I’m going to leave it at that.

Mood: Soul-Sucking Laughter.

Rating: Omg lol



This show brings a great level of supernatural, causing you to wonder if it’s actually supernatural. Trust me, that will make sense. It’s a bit of a superficial suspense, but enthralling nonetheless. If you’re the twisty type-and you know who you are-then you’ll fully enjoy the plot-bending series.

Mood: Need a superficial fix.

Rating: Easily addictive.


I hate to say it, but I’m fully enjoying this network drama. It could be Ramon Rodriguez’s performance that keeps me invested, or that I’m partial to detective shows. While it’s far from a new Monk, Rodriguez keeps his character’s quirks upbeat and fun to watch. There’s lighthearted moments here and there, but the character development and plot leans more toward the dramatic and sometimes tragic. Erika Christensen remains enigmatic to watch and it’s good to see her back on the screen.

Mood: Needing a procedural with realistically human characters.

Rating: A step above normal network programming.



With his show-running expertise, BJ brings us an anthological series that explores cultural and civil topics. Great writing, even better cast.

Mood: When your spirit yearns for the philosophically provocative.

Rating: A moral Twilight Zone.


